In Windows, make sure to also set the keyboard layout to English US.In X11's preferences, check 'Use system keyboard layout' Alt + Up Arrow Move line up Ctrl + D Delete line Ctrl + Alt + Down Arrow Copy line Ctrl + Alt + Up Arrow Duplicate line Download pycharm for mac os 10.
If PowerShell is not available, instead search for 'cmd.exe' and in the cmd prompt, type: explorer shell::: characters in cmd.exe. With a familiar hotkey combination that has saved billions of computer users around the world, Ctrl Alt Delete offers a quick fix for many computer troubles. In the PowerShell shell that opens, type the following: Powershell -noprofile -nologo -noninteractive -command '(new-object -ComObject shell.application).WindowsSecurity()' What is Ctrl Alt Delete for Mac Ctrl Alt Delete is the ultimate fallback application for when things go awry. On most remote control software, you select Ctrl-Alt-Del from the menu to send the command to the remote. This worked for me in a slightly different and more complicated setup (connecting from a Mac to a Linux server through SSH and then from the Linux server to a Windows Server 2016 server through Remote desktop protocol using the rdesktop Linux RDP command line client). Depends on how youre controlling the remote PC.